Running or Jumping Rope: Lower Your Body Weight With The Best Alternative
Erick Noe Cortes PenaRunning or jumping rope?
This has been one of the most common questions among people who want to reduce their weight quickly and efficiently. Both activities strengthen the cardiovascular system, burn calories and increase physical endurance.
Running is something that we can all do, but not all of us know the correct way. If you learned to jump rope from a young age, this knowledge is not forgotten, this will be a great advantage to start this exercise. However, it is not difficult for you to learn to do this activity as an adult, there are instructions and guides that will help you.
Athletes and people who want to stay in good health include running or jumping rope in their exercise routines. Although people who need to lose weight in a short time seek which of these two alternatives is more effective. In this article we will give the answer!
Differences between running and jumping rope
Before choosing an exercise between running or jumping rope , we must first know the main differences between them.
Next, we present a comparative table between jumping rope and running .
Run |
Jump the rope |
You must do it outdoors or in a large space |
You can do it from home or anywhere |
Impacts on the ankles, knees and hip |
The support is on the balls of the feet and only impacts the ankles |
Takes longer to burn calories |
With a constant speed you burn calories in a short time |
More chance of injury |
Less chance of injury |
You need to plan an hour or two of your day for this exercise |
If you are a busy person, just 10 minutes a day will keep your body in good shape. |
It tends to be boring and routine |
It's dynamic. You can practice different combinations when jumping |
Is it better to run or jump rope?
According to statistics, jumping rope for one minute is equal to running 8 miles. Jumping rope burns more calories and makes your body stronger. Experts from the Mayo Clinic say that a one-hour routine helps you burn 730 calories.
On the other hand, you would have to run 8 miles per hour to burn 986 calories. We can say that jumping rope is better than running .
Jump rope tips
If between running or jumping rope you decide that the latter is part of your daily exercise routine, you must do it correctly and efficiently. You should also select a quality rope, which can be lengthened and shortened adjusting to your size.
There are nylon strings, these are the fastest on the market. You can also find plastic or PVC ropes that are a little heavier than the previous ones, but ideal for your initiation.
And finally, there are the weave ropes, they are the heaviest, they make your jumps slower, but they also work to start.
To jump rope you need a proper posture to prevent damage. The first thing you must learn is that your elbows must be flexed close to your sides, when jumping they must not move.
The landing must be with the balls of the feet, if you set your feet completely you can injure your knees. On the other hand, the legs must be flexed and the head always upright.
Jump rope skipping or trotting jump
One of the main differences between jumping rope and running is that the jumps have combinations. There are different types of jumps to make this exercise the most fun. Among all of them, there is the skipping or trotting jump , which is the most popular of all.
In this jump you will jog in place, alternating both legs as you jump rope. The knees in each jump will exceed the height of the hips and the floor will be touched with the tip of the feet. The higher the movement of your knees, the more difficult the training will be, but it will improve your resistance.
If you want to change your jogging jump exercise for another, you have different options:
- One Leg Jump Rope
- inverted jump
- side to side jump rope
- Scissors jump
- cross jump rope
- triple jump rope
Who should not jump rope?
Although between running or jumping rope , the latter is a more attractive exercise, it is not suitable for all types of people.
It is recommended that before including it in your routine you consult with a doctor who authorizes it. If you suffer from spinal injuries or bone problems, you will feel a lot of pain when jumping. If you suffer from heart or lung problems, you should not do this exercise because you will be at great risk.
benefits of jumping rope
It has become clear that between running or jumping rope we get more benefits from jumping. In addition to being cheap, since your only investment would be to buy your rope, it is simple and entertaining.
Among the benefits for your body we find:
- Strengthening of the lungs. Jumping rope helps expand your airways. By strengthening your lungs you will breathe better and be more resistant to flu-like illnesses.
- Strengthening of the cardiovascular system. This will help you have more physical resistance and prevent heart attacks or heart disease.
- You improve coordination. Jumping rope is a fully coordinated exercise between all parts of your body.
- You reaffirm the buttocks. With these jumping exercises, the size of the buttocks is increased.
- You burn calories. You will lose weight faster than with other exercises.
- Improve your ability to concentrate. By having to work on coordination, your mind will be concentrated at high levels.
- It is very practical. You can take your rope with you anywhere, you will have no excuse to lose a day of your exercise routine.
- It can be done from any age. Both children, adolescents and adults can jump rope. It is very fun and healthy.
How to avoid injuries?
Running or jumping rope brings injuries if done improperly. We want you to work your body correctly and avoid injuries when jumping rope. For this we recommend the following:
- Your body must be previously warmed up before starting your rope jumps. You can do stretching exercises for 10 minutes before you start. If you have access to stairs you can use them as a warm-up tool.
- Do a special warm-up with your wrists. The movement of the rope is done from your wrists, not from your arms. That is why you should pay important attention to this part of your body.
- Don't start too fast. It is best to start with slow jumps and gradually increase the speed. Don't jump too high either, this can hurt you. This exercise focuses on the consistency of the repetitions, not on how high you jump.
- Increase the pace of the jumps when you feel that you are making little effort. If you feel that you are not sweating you can increase the speed.
If you feel discomfort you should go to the doctor. Do not continue jumping rope with discomfort, as you may have a sprain or fracture. You should not run or jump rope when you feel physical discomfort, this can cause irreparable damage.
Get organized to jump rope
Discipline and organization are key to achieving our goals of losing weight or keeping our bodies in shape. It is important that you wear good sports shoes that protect your feet in the jumps. At Sportland we offer you the shoes you need for your exercises.
By having your clothing equipped, you will be ready to start running or jumping rope to lose weight .
Challenges that will help you burn more calories
The Internet is your primary tool for finding exercise content. There are thousands of tips on running or jumping rope on the web, but we will focus on the latter.
On YouTube there are many videos on guidance from professionals in crossfit so that you can jump rope like an expert.
We want to explain our 3 favorite challenges for you to practice.
1. Circuit of 12 minutes
In this challenge you will have to do the following exercises as many times as you can within 12 minutes without stopping. The exercises are: 40 jump ropes, 30 squats, 10 push-ups and sitting with your back against the wall for 20 seconds.
2.The Annie
This challenge indicates that you must do double under jumps, that is, the rope must pass twice for each jump. But it is not only that, you will also have to alternate different types of jump at the same time.
3. Double Under Pyramid
In this challenge you will have to do double under jumps without interruption. First, you will do 5 such jumps, including three burpees . For each set of 5 double under jumps, intersperse 3 burpees until you reach 50 repetitions.
If you miss a jump you will have to do 5 push-ups. It is a mentally and physically demanding exercise, but with exceptional results.
If we compare running or jumping rope after these challenges, we will confirm that jumping rope has more movements and modalities.
How Many Calories Can I Burn Jumping Rope?
The amount of weight you carry will influence how much you will lose. Heavier people lose calories faster when jumping rope.
If someone weighs 125 pounds, jumping rope for half an hour will burn 300 calories. This means that in 12 days you will be able to lose one pound. Of course, carrying out a healthy diet.
A 185-pound person will be able to lose 444 calories in half an hour. In 8 days you will lose a pound and in a month you can lose 3 to 4 pounds. It's a very shocking number that plays a big part in many's decision about running vs. jump rope
Doing this type of exercise produces a lot of hunger at the end, eating large amounts of food full of calories will only delay the work done.
watch what you eat
Jumping rope or running can help you lose weight and stay healthy. However, this can only be achieved if you control what you eat. There is no use running for hours or doing jump rope routines if you abuse calories.
Foods that are high in fat, fried foods, snack foods, fast food, and sodas are not healthy. Apart from not offering you the vitamins and nutrients your body requires, they cause you to gain weight and damage your organs.
You must propose a balanced diet and do your exercises at the same time so that you obtain the results that you so desire.
Among the best foods for your diet you can integrate:
- Eggs
- Vegetables
- Steamed fish
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- low fat meat
- Grilled chicken
- Nuts
- Cereals
If you complement running or jumping rope with a diet based on these foods, within a few weeks you will notice impressive results in your body.
Don't forget to drink a lot of water during the day, it will help you stay hydrated and lose weight. One or two liters of water a day is ideal to help your body lose weight.
A small decision will lead to the greatest results
The most difficult step will always be starting. Mentalize your priorities and goals. Everything you set your mind to with dedication you can achieve. If you choose this second exercise between running or jumping rope , you already have all the information to practice it.
Every day more people join this popular trend of exercising. The most famous and elite athletes do not bypass their daily jumps on the rope. The results are very complete for both your mind and your body.
You can jump rope listening to music, this will make it more fun. If you have a garden you can do it outdoors or go to a quiet park, you will feel relaxed. Dare to get the figure you want so much and extend your years of life in the healthiest way.